Conference Series
We offer a complete publishing package, giving a permanent open-access record of your entire event. We have experience of publishing large multinational conferences as well as small workshops and meetings.Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS). Online ISSN: 1742-6596
The coverage of JPCS extends across the whole of physics, encompassing pure, applied, theoretical and experimental research, as well as interdisciplinary topics. The authors must write a manuscript where is report explicitly the physics contributions or the physics contributions to other areas (contributions what is made to the Physics or that they receive from Physics).
Instructions for full paper submission
The proceedings of the VIII International Conference / Days of Applied Mathematics will appear in the, which is part of the IOP Conference Series. All papers published in the IOP Conference Series are fully citable, and once published, will be available for free download. Authors may be interested to know that the Journal of Physics: Conference now receives over 2.3 million article downloads per year, and is indexed in Scopus, Compendex, Inspec, and others. Citations are tracked online using IOP Publishing's citation article feature, in addition to the full citation tracking features provided by Scopus.Important: please read before you submit a paper
Publication License for Open Access Proceedings Papers
IOP Conference Series operates on a permission to publish basis, whereby authors retain the copyright to their papers and no longer need to sign and submit copyright assignment forms. Any author wishing to publish in the IOP Conference Series must agree to the terms of the release and, by submitting a paper for publication, it is assumed that all authors accept these terms in full.The terms and conditions of the authorization are available online.
Where to send your paper
Manuscripts, prepared according to the author's guidelines, should be sent to Oscar Valbuena Prada, e-mail:; until September 19, 2021.How to organize your paper
The IOP Conference Series uses author-supplied PDF files for all print and online publications. Authors are asked to prepare their papers using Microsoft Word or LaTeX, according to the journal guidelines and templates, and then convert these files to PDF. Full instructions on how to prepare your paper, along with templates, can be found on the IOP Conference Series Website.It is important to make sure that when you submit your article, it is in final form, ready for publication, and has been fully reviewed. IOP does not review papers and will not send author proofs prior to publication. . Please note that post-publication changes are generally not permitted unless there are exceptional circumstances, so please ensure that your paper has been checked for errors.
What you need to provide
The PDF file of your paper: when preparing your paper, be sure to follow the author's instructions, but at a minimum:- Use European A4 size paper with a minimum margin of 25 mm.
- Make sure your article includes an abstract.
- Do not add any page numbers, headers or footers to your article.
Any multimedia files you wish to publish online
- • JPCS encourages authors to submit multimedia files to enhance the online versions of published research articles.
Journal enquiries
General enquiries regarding IOP Conference Series should be directed to:- Ely Dannier V. Niño
Foristom and JPCS Editor
Oscar Valbuena Prada
International Conference / Days of Applied Mathematics Editor